About Me


Friday, January 30, 2015

So I had started a different blog that was meant to serve as just a blog I shared music, ed tech stuff and whatever else I felt like sharing. However, I've done some reflecting and decided I wanted to focus this blog toward what I am doing professionally. I am currently a Student Technology Integrationist, although I have trouble sometimes identifying what that actually means since I work with students whose lives are already integrated with technology.

As the second semester began of my first year at this school, my role on campus changed. I am now in the process of beginning two really big classes (for me anyway). I mention that while I have worked in classrooms and with teachers, on campuses, I have never, ever individually/independently had my own class with my own curriculum that I have actually taught to real life people. Needless to say, I am a bit nervous and lot a bit excited!

The first of the two is an elective class taught once a week for 45 minutes to 7th graders. I'm teaching the multimedia skills and programs, but the main objective is to sneak them digital citizenship skills and have those conversations. This is the age that kids are tip toeing (some diving) into social media and social networking apps like Snapchat, unknowingly, tarnishing their brand.

The second is basically the first class but integrating much, much more rudimentary computer skills building toward a richer experience graduating with iPads and multimedia tools. This class is even bigger and more important to me because it is part of a pilot program where the school I work for is partnering with a lesser advantaged (?) public school and we're bringing this school's 4th and 5th graders to our campus! AAAAAND, high school students will be working with me to teach them! this teaching at it's finest!

Hopefully, if these are successful (fingers crossed!), my colleagues and I will be able to integrate digital citizenship lessons into core classes.In essence, this blog is to serve the purpose of documenting the journey of these classes. If you have any suggestions or experiences you want to share, I would gladly appreciate it! Check back soon for an update!

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