I have many years of experience in the classroom as an aide and tutor, but just starting to teach classes. As a Student Technology Integrationist at my current school, my primary focus is Digital Citizenship and 21st century skills like creative problem solving, collaboration, and thinking above the line. As a life long learner, I'm interested in everything all the time!

I have an amazing partner, Gabe, who is so supportive. He's even adopted my cat! We met at a Bjork show in 2013 as a total chance meeting. We live in Long Beach, CA and bike around town on our free time. I also love sifting through old and smelly vinyl records for that one gem, kayaking through the Naples Canals, yoga in Bixby Park, cross stitching/crafting, and cooking recipes from Pinterest.
Follow me on Twitter and Pinterest @jennaltdel or send me an email: jenn.altounian@gmail.com