About Me


Sunday, October 18, 2015

It's been a while... but good things are a-brewing!

This year has not only started with a bang, but rolling hard and has yet to let up! Between planning a wedding, a pretty regular rotation of classroom visits & lessons, a full year of Media Bytes, and all the committees I've joined, I am spent! Oh, did I mention I am co-presenting with a good friend, Julie Gunther at San Diego & LA CUE's Tech Fairs? We'll be presenting on blogging in the classroom and why your students should be self-publishing for the world to see! More on that later, we'll be co-authoring a blog about the subject very soon.

Over the summer and the beginning months of school, we have changed Mobile Device Management Systems, moved to a Leasing/Purchase 2-year cycle for our 1:1 iPad program, implementing mindfulness and self-regulated learning strategies, building a Student Technology Support Framework, building technology skills plans, among many other things! I hope to write detailed posts soon. Stay tuned along with a new website :)

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