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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Word of Mouth

The pilot program, Discover Academy, is taking off and it is the most delightful thing!

 Service hours are apparently a requirement for graduation here, which I think is absolutely amazing! I wish I had done more volunteering and community outreach when I was in high school, or even now. A couple weeks ago our school held a fair to advertise various service learning opportunities. I felt really shy at the table with these super outgoing high school kids recruiting for the Improv class they're offering.
        (Now I know it's silly to feel like that, especially around students. However, I am naturally the quiet one and is only "on" in performance settings).
 As the fair began, I sat with the other students who were recruiting for their options and struck up conversations. Not too many kids came up and were interested in this computer class. I actually ended up getting a list of names from another teacher. Needless to say, I felt slightly defeated: I failed at recruiting students for my pilot program.

Well, now that we are about to start the training, I've actually had some kids seek me out looking for more information on how to become involved! It's so exciting that something that has so much potential to have such a great impact on the community is becoming well received with students and they want to be a part of it! 

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